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Introducing The Naked Voice
Nicholas Twilley
Masashi Minagawa

Out beyond ideas of right and wrong doing
There is a field, a singing field, I'll meet you there

The Naked Voice, founded by Chloë Goodchild, is a pioneering way to explore the human voice as a source of self-discovery - individual and collective - linking to the most profound levels of human wisdom. Your naked voice is your authentic sound, as unique as your DNA or fingerprint.

Are you ready to activate your naked voice and express your truth?

Now is the time!

Chloë and her Naked Voice facilitator team offer inspiring opportunities, workshops and trainings where you will be able to embark upon a transformative pathway of self-discovery, courage and confidence with your voice.

The Naked Voice method is now shared by a global community, enabling thousands of people to recover their own true voice – spoken & sung – as a metaphor for harmonious and conscious living. The Naked Voice experience is life-changing, and accessible to everyone! 

Working with your voice in this way enables you to experience sound as a homeopathic medicine that supports your biological health providing a significant holistic counter-balance to allopathic medicine. The Naked Voice is a metaphysical practice rooted in deep stillness, non-judgemental listening, and self-enquiry, supported by energy movement, the three main power centres, and the musical modes. Finding your authentic voice is everyone’s birthright. No matter whether you are seeking tools for emotional honesty, healing relationships, courageous conversations, or peace of mind, the Naked Voice is an effective way to express your heart's truth. 

To start working with The Naked Voice practices immediately you can purchase Chloe's introductory Home Learning Course Find Your Naked Voice and book a 1-1 Voiceline with ChloeYou can also join our Living Presence Online Community, attend one of our upcoming In-Person Events and listen to Chloe's Music and VOCE Dialogues podcast.... 

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