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Chloë Goodchild is the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training programme, providing a sound awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audio-books and spoken meditations that empower you to find and to embody your authentic voice. The Naked Voice Charitable Foundation was established in 2004, to disseminate a deeper awareness of the essential role conscious communication plays in strengthening ethical awareness, social health and well-being in all realms of human life. Chloe’s seminal book, The Naked Voice – Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound (North Atlantic Books) was published in 2015.

Chloe’s Podcast series, the VOCE Dialogues - Voices of Compassionate Evolution launched in 2019. It explores and celebrates the transformative impact of compassion, with new paradigm teachers, musicians, authors, artists, social activists, new scientists, and entrepreneurs, who are making a difference in the world. 


Chloe sings, teaches, performs and records on her NakedVoiceMusic label. She is also a presenter and author for Sounds True Audiobooks; and The Shift Network. Her music is available from Amazon, Spotify, Apple, and from this website.


“Chloë is one of the freest spirits I have ever seen on stage” – Juliet Stevenson

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Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë’s discovery of inner sound and silence, has led to a lifetime’s research of the human voice as one of humanity’s most untapped resources for personal and global transformation.


1970s: Following 7 months teaching and community-building in East Africa, Chloë studied Music, English and Education at Cambridge university (1972–76) and graduated with an honours degree. The influence of the Quakers, Martin Luther King & Mahatma Gandhi inspired Chloe’s research into non-violent communication, bringing Peace Education into secondary schools, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.


1980s: Chloe left formal music teaching to evolve her own voice as a spiritual practice, influenced by extensive travels in Africa, India, Europe, the Middle East, USA and Canada. Chloe studied with indigenous wisdom teachers, Classical Indian musicians, and masters of non-duality (oneness).This led to a transformative ‘no-mind’ experience in Northern India, inspired by one of 20th century India’s greatest woman saints, Anandamayi Ma, Chloe’s experienced her own ‘naked’ voice, as her own true Self, “an unchanging primordial wisdom, older and deeper than the polarity of all conflict”.


1990s: Chloe founded The Naked Voice in 1990, to share and teach voice as a spiritual practice, as unique as your fingerprint or DNA. She created experiential trainings in ‘sound awareness’ exploring the voice – silent, spoken and sung - as a transformative practice, sourced from a direct connection with fundamental consciousness, non-dual awareness, and the ‘unchanging note’. Chloe’s early memoir, The Naked Voice – A Singer’s Journey to the Spirit of Sound (1993 Rider Books) tells the story of these formative years, with her two major collaborators, Masashi Minagawa, energy movement master of Shintaido, and shamanic world percussionist, Nicholas Twilley.


"Chloe Goodchild’s subtle voicework opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound” - Coleman Barks, Rumi: Soul Fury


2000’s: Chloe evolved The Naked Voice Facilitator Training (NVF) with the support at that time, of committed practitioners & wisdom keepers, Catherine Walsh, Aliki Sapountzi, Emer Dolphin, Siobhan Larkin, Claire Casey, Claire Crehan, Jayne O'Donnell, Mary Doherty, Katherine Cross, Nicola Graydon, Nick Hart-Williams, Tim Chalice, Hilary Franklin, Jules Heavens, Iana Storey, Rhiannon Becque, Chantal Drapeau, Nanina Ghelfi, Rolf Billes, and others. This Three Stage NVF Programme is anchored in the philosophy of the perennial wisdom tradition. The teachings focus on three sound keys – sound awareness, sound intelligence and sound wisdom – leading to an understanding of your ‘naked’ voice as a catalyst for authentic expression, creative action, and compassionate service.


Silence, Self Inquiry & the Singing Field

At the heart of the Naked Voice is an in-depth process of self-inquiry, the capacity to ‘witness’ yourself or another through non-judgemental listening. Silence is discovered here as a dynamic ‘inner music’ with the capacity to inspire, inform and transform reactive or negative emotion into deeper positive feeling. Practitioners discover how to access, and to express their truth as unconditional presence. Solo and small group work lead into a shared experience of harmonic resonance within the whole group, generating an interconnected ‘field’ of sound, or ‘singing field’. This singing field inspires an all-inclusive listening that dissolves separateness and fear, and awakens Love’s unconditional presence.


2020: Chloe’s trained mentors and facilitator teams offer The Naked Voice trainings, courses, experiential research and events worldwide – online and in-person.

Public Performance & Creative Collaboration

Chloe has sung for HH Dalai Lama at The Good Heart conference, London University, UK;  The Way of Peace, world conference held in Northern Ireland; and at HH Dalai Lama’s Honorary Doctorate ceremony, Belfast.  She was music director, composer and performer at The Vagina Monologues with its acclaimed author, Eve Ensler, in Madison Square Gardens NYC. Chloe conducted her Vulva Choir there, comprising 75 of the top actresses of the world, including Queen Latifah, Jane Fonda, Brooke Shields and Glenn Close. On the morning of September 11th 2001, Chloe was flying from UK over New York, in a United Airlines plane, destined for San Francisco. She was in the air when the tragic news of the World Trade Towers came through. This inspired the, Fierce Wisdom album, and her world anthem Singing Field, performed at, “Transforming September 11th” at the Royal Opera House London in the presence of world leaders and UN members.


Chloë has made a range of albums, including DeviSura (Grammy nominated), Fierce Wisdom and her latest album of collected works, Thousand Ways of Light. Her new Spoken Song Series opened with Deep Listening (2019), Chloe’s first album with her daughter, Rebecca Nash, acclaimed jazz pianist. She and Rumi poet, Coleman Barks, recorded two Rumi albums,  There is Some Kiss We Want and The Glance. Chloe has recorded with Angelo Badalamenti, “Hollywood’s hottest film composer”; the late Byzantine composer John Tavener (Mary of Egypt, Collins Classics CD);  film director Jane Campion (Holy Smoke with Kate Winslet, Harvey Keitel); Discovery Channel; the BBC and with leading world,  jazz and pop musicians.  in 2007 Sounds True commissioned Chloe to make a comprehensive Instructional Audio-book, Awakening Through Sound (5 CDs+DVD) which is available as a 5CD/DVD set and download.

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